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Should Your Organisation Be Focusing on EGC?

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​In today's digital age, businesses across all sectors are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their audience, boost their brand, and stay ahead of the competition. One strategy that has gained significant traction in recent years is Employee Generated Content (EGC). This powerful tool is revolutionising how companies communicate, both internally and externally.

In our latest blog, our Marketing Manager Kat Tyndallexplores what exactly EGC is, and why your organisation should consider implementing it as a core part of the communication strategy.

Understanding Employee Generated Content

EGC refers to any form of content created and shared by employees about their workplace, experiences, or industry insights. This can encompass a wide range of formats, including:

  1. Social media posts

  2. Blog articles

  3. Videos

  4. Podcasts

  5. Internal newsletters

  6. Presentations

  7. Photos and infographics

Unlike traditional corporate messaging, which often comes across as polished but impersonal, EGC provides a genuine, relatable perspective that resonates with both internal and external audiences. It's the authentic voice of your organisation, spoken through the diverse experiences of your workforce.

Key Benefits of Focusing on EGC
  1. Enhanced Brand Authenticity: In an era where consumers are increasingly skeptical of traditional advertising, authenticity is king. EGC offers a level of credibility that's hard to achieve through official corporate channels. When employees share their genuine experiences and insights, it humanises your brand and builds trust with your audience. Customers are more likely to engage with and believe content coming from real employees rather than faceless corporate entities.

  2. Improved Employee Engagement: Encouraging employees to create content about their work fosters a sense of ownership and pride. When staff members see that their voices are valued and their contributions are recognised, it can significantly boost morale and job satisfaction. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity and reduced turnover rates. EGC initiatives can make employees feel more connected to the company's mission and values.

  3. Cost-Effective Marketing: Traditional marketing campaigns can be expensive and time-consuming to produce. EGC, on the other hand, can significantly reduce marketing costs while providing a constant stream of diverse, relevant content. Your employees are already experts in their fields and passionate about their work – tapping into this resource can yield high-quality content at a fraction of the cost of professional production.

  4. Talent Attraction: In the competitive job market, potential recruits are looking for more than just a good salary and employee benefits – they want to understand the company culture and work environment. EGC provides authentic insights into what it's like to work at your organisation, helping to attract candidates who align with your values and culture. This can lead to better hiring decisions and improved long-term retention.

  5. Knowledge Sharing and Innovation: EGC isn't just about external communication – it can also be a powerful tool for internal knowledge transfer. When employees share their expertise and experiences, it promotes cross-departmental learning and collaboration. This exchange of ideas can spark innovation and help break down silos within the organisation.

  6. Increased Reach and Visibility: When employees share content through their personal networks, they exponentially expand your organisation's reach. Each employee has their own unique network of connections, potentially exposing your brand to audiences you might not otherwise reach. This organic spread can be particularly effective in niche markets or industry-specific circles.

  7. Real-Time Customer Insights: Employees who interact directly with customers often have valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and pain points. EGC can be a channel for sharing these insights across the organisation, helping to inform product development, customer service strategies, and marketing initiatives.

Implementing an EGC Strategy

While the benefits of EGC are clear, implementing a successful strategy requires careful planning and support:

  1. Create Clear Guidelines: Establish policies that outline what is appropriate to share and what isn't, to protect both the company and employees.

  2. Provide Training: Offer guidance on content creation, social media best practices, and brand messaging to ensure quality and consistency.

  3. Recognise and Reward: Acknowledge and celebrate employees who contribute great content to encourage ongoing participation.

  4. Provide the Right Tools: Invest in platforms and tools that make it easy for employees to create and share content.

  5. Lead by Example: Encourage leadership to participate in EGC initiatives to demonstrate its importance.

  6. Monitor and Measure: Track the impact of your EGC efforts to refine your strategy over time.

Challenges to Consider

While EGC offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of potential challenges:

  1. Quality Control: Not all employee-generated content will meet your brand standards, necessitating some level of oversight.

  2. Legal Considerations: Be mindful of copyright issues, confidentiality agreements, and other legal aspects when employees share content.

  3. Consistency: Maintaining a consistent brand voice across diverse employee contributions can be challenging.

  4. Employee Hesitation: Some employees may be reluctant to participate, fearing criticism or lacking confidence in their content creation skills.


In an increasingly digital and connected world, Employee Generated Content represents a powerful opportunity for organisations to build authenticity, engage employees, and connect with their audience in meaningful ways. By tapping into the diverse perspectives and experiences of your workforce, you can create a more dynamic, relatable, and trustworthy brand image.

While implementing an EGC strategy requires thoughtful planning and ongoing support, the potential benefits – from cost-effective marketing to improved employee engagement and enhanced brand loyalty – make it a worthwhile investment for many organisations!Will you be implementing EGC as part of your organisational content strategy?