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Making The Most of Your Appraisal: A Guide for Employees

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One-to-one appraisals with your manager are invaluable opportunities to reflect on your performance, set goals, and align your career trajectory with organisational objectives. To maximise the benefits of these sessions, however, it is crucial to approach them with careful preparation and a proactive mindset. In this blog, we cover the key steps to take before, during and after your appraisal to ensure you make the most of your next appraisal!


Begin by thoroughly reviewing your own performance since the last appraisal. Take stock of your achievements, challenges faced, and areas where you've shown growth. Compile concrete examples and metrics that illustrate your contributions to the team and company. This self-reflection not only helps you articulate your progress but also demonstrates your commitment to self-improvement.

Prior to the meeting, create a clear agenda outlining the topics you wish to discuss. This should include your accomplishments, areas for development, career aspirations, and any concerns or questions you may have. Sharing this agenda with your manager in advance allows them to prepare and ensures that all important points are addressed during the limited time you have together.


During the appraisal, actively listen to your manager's feedback. Be open to constructive criticism and view it as an opportunity for growth rather than as personal attacks. Ask clarifying questions to ensure you fully understand their perspective and expectations. This engagement shows your receptiveness to feedback and your desire to improve.

Take the initiative to discuss your career goals and aspirations. Be honest about where you see yourself in the future and ask for guidance on how to align these ambitions with organisational needs. This conversation can lead to identifying development opportunities, training programs, or stretch assignments that can help you progress in your desired direction.

Use this time to seek clarity on your role and responsibilities. If there are any ambiguities or misalignments in expectations, address them openly. This ensures that you and your manager are on the same page regarding your duties and performance standards.

Don't shy away from discussing challenges or obstacles you're facing in your work. Present these issues constructively, ideally with potential solutions in mind. This approach demonstrates your problem-solving skills and proactive attitude.

Towards the end of the appraisal, work with your manager to set clear, measurable goals for the upcoming period. These should be challenging yet achievable, aligned with both your personal development and organisational objectives. Discuss the support and resources you'll need to accomplish these goals.


After the appraisal, promptly document the key points discussed, decisions made, and actions agreed upon. Share this summary with your manager to ensure mutual understanding and to have a reference point for future discussions.

Remember, the one-to-one appraisal is not an isolated event but part of an ongoing dialogue with your manager. Maintain open communication throughout the year, providing regular updates on your progress and seeking feedback. This continuous engagement makes the formal appraisal more effective and less daunting.

By approaching one-to-one appraisals with thorough preparation, active participation, and a focus on both personal and organisational growth, you can transform these sessions into powerful tools for career development and professional success!

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